Year Introduced:
Length - 19.5 studs
Height - 10 bricks to top of extended antenna
Width - 10 studs to outside of mirrors
Note: 6 stud wide cab with 7 stud wide body
Wheelbase - 10 studs
Note: Right Hand Drive!
Pump Specifications:
2000 Liter (525 GPM) Capacity
Capable of Producing:
2000 Liters per minute at .85 M/Pa (about 525 GPM @ 120 psi)
1400 Liters per minute at 1.4 M/Pa (about 370 GPM @ 200 psi)
Pump is PTO (Power Take Off) Powered
Dual Pump Panels
Two 2.5" (equivalent) intakes on pump panel
Two 3" (equivalent) swivel intakes for preconnected supply/suction hose
Two 2.5" (equivalent) discharges on pump panel
Water Tank Capacity:
800 Liters (about 200 gallons)
20" supply/attack line and nozzle stored in cab
Two preconnected 8" supply/suction hoses
Hose Cart:
Three 10" supply/attack lines
Two nozzles
Ratchet Spanner Wrench
5 kW PTO (Power Take Off) Generator
Elevating light towers on cab roof
In Cab Storage
Two Portable Radios
Two Flashlights
Two SCBA Bottles
Pry Bar and Axe
Under Cab Storage
Broom and Shovel
Below grade water valve spanner
Exterior of Apparatus
5 gallons of drinking water in cooler
Ratchet Spanner wrench
Double male hose adapter
Double female hose adapter
Shortened two section Extension Ladder
20 pound ABC Dry Chemical Extinguisher
Two supply/suction hose strainers
Two Life Rings with two ropes
Pike Pole
Left Side Compartments
Four SCBA Bottles
Medical Kit
Right Side Compartments
Below grade water supply gooseneck
Top Side Compartments
Large Wrench
Sledgehammer and Axe
Bolt Cutters
Adjustable Wrench
Ratchet (Socket) Wrench
Small Hammer
Open Ended Wrench
Closed Ended Wrench
The Sixby Fire CD-I Export Engine was designed for an unnamed branch of the military who, due to Federal purchasing requirements, must procure contract items from companies within the United States whenever possible. Since this branch of the military employs firefighters from the country the base is in, an apparatus was needed that matched apparatus the firefighters in the country would be used to seeing and operating. The Sixby Fire CD-I Export Engine has many features we've never incorporated into a fire apparatus before. The rig features right hand drive (steering), dual pump panels, hose cart storage with ramp/ladder combination, side mounted supply/suction hoses with swivel connectors, improved in cab storage, and even a "ladder ring" on the roof of the rig to allow the portable ladder to reach up to three stories when positioned on the roof of the apparatus.
The CD-I Export Engine also has roof mounted remote spotlights, warning lights built into the cab roof, controls on the rear of the apparatus for the lowering of the hose cart ramp or the portable ladder's storage rack. The pump capacity may seem small but the A-2 pump is the standard medium sized pump in the destination country, they have a different fire load than in the United States and use different firefighting tactics and hose sizes.
To be compatible with operations in the destination country the CD-I Export Engine has no preconnected hose lines. Instead the primary attack line is stored in the cab where the firefighters ride. Initial first due operations would be as follows. The CD-I arrives on the scene of the fire. The Driver engages the PTO. The Officer exits with a radio and calls in an update, he will then don one of the SCBA from the side compartment. The two firefighters riding in the rear exit the apparatus already wearing SCBA, one with the attack line the other with the hand tools. The firefighter with the attack line rolls it out, the Driver, now at the pump panel, connects the attack line to a discharge while he revs up the RPM of the pump. The firefighter can now flow water backed up by the Officer and/or the other firefighter with the hand tools.
If a water supply is needed the Driver and the firefighter with hand tools will make the connection using the below grade water supply gooseneck and supply/suction hose. In the destination country the hydrants are below the level of the street, covered by a metal plate, the valve is sometimes under the plate and sometimes under a smaller plate about a foot away.
If the CD-I is not the first apparatus on the scene of the fire or if they need to lay additional lengths of hose to reach the fire, operations are similar, except the Driver will exit with a radio and will operate the hose cart ramp and will pull the hose cart out, while the Officer dons his SCBA. The firefighter with the attack line will throw that line on top of the hose cart, and he and the Driver will pull the hose cart to the fire. If laying in to the fire, the Driver will stay at the apparatus. With the hose cart and the primary attack line they can lay in enough hose to reach a fire an actual 4' (48"+) away! The firefighter with the hand tools and the Officer with his radio, will follow the hose cart to the scene. If the additional SCBA are needed the Driver will go back for those once the other two firefighters and Officer are committed to operations at the location of the fire. This flexible response allows for multiple engines to park outside the fire area while allowing the arriving firefighters to make their way to the scene with hose, tools, equipment, and SCBA.
This CD-I Export Engine is the first of a larger order and some specifications are being changed after this pilot model was constructed, but the changes are minor in nature thanks to the extensive research Sixby Fire designers did on the apparatus of the destination country.
